How Can You Resolve Different Kinds Of Property Disputes?

Any kind of property is prone to develop disputes including boundary lines, party walls HIre A Professional Land Surveyor For Your Property In Perth and while repairing and constructing any extension or addition. There is no specific time for it to happen. But when the situation arises, the owner tends to go mad. Thus, to prevent this kind of situation, it’s good to consult with a surveying specialist.

Surveyors in Perth can help to figure out the disputes through expert mediation and also help to save additional costs and complex situations of court cases.

Disputes Regarding Valuation : 

It’s quiet common to have valuation disputes in a property, particularly due to matrimonial valuations during divorce proceedings. This is when two estranged spouses are trying to establish how much their property is worth, for the purpose of one party buying out the other’s share. So you can see why the purchasing party would want a lower valuation than the party selling their share.

Resolving Valuation Disputes :

To reduce the likelihood of valuations being contested by either side, Chartered Surveyors are employed as a ‘Single Expert’ on a joint sole basis to provide an impartial valuation on behalf of both parties. This role provides a single valuation figure based on fact and careful analysis of the key points that will affect the value, such as:

  • Planning restrictions
  • Planning proposals in the vicinity
  • Occupancy restrictionsPublic & private rights
  • Neighbouring properties
  • Any restrictive covenants or obligations

Boundary Disputes :

Legal documents for the property should show where the boundary line rests, but the boundary may have changed since the records were produced – either because an earlier owner agreed to the change or because of encroachment (occupation without permission).

Examples of boundary disputes – when someone needs to access their neighbour’s land for repairs or building of structures, or when there are differing opinions on who is responsible for maintaining shared amenities like pipes, drains or chimneys.

In most cases, the legal documents for a property will highlight where the responsibility lies. Unfortunately, there are instances where the legal documents are less than comprehensive and fail to provide clear evidence.

Resolving boundary disputes :

If you are involved in a boundary dispute and your legal documents for the property do not clearly state your rights, you should consider hiring a Chartered Surveyor with specialist experience in boundary disputes. They will be able to examine the problem objectively and call on their experience to help you establish who owns what, where the boundary to your property is, and identify your rights concerning access.

Image Source : Neil Manley Solicitors

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